The LAISPS Affiliate Society


The Affiliate Society offers psychotherapists and other interested professionals an opportunity to deepen their understanding of psychoanalysis in an informal setting and to participate in special events and activities at LAISPS. Membership offers an opportunity for licensed clinicians to learn from members of LAISPS and like-minded colleagues, share clinical issues, and engage in professional networking.

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Licensed clinicians, seeking to network and learn from members of LAISPS, gather five times a year to discuss clinical issues such as, enactments, risk taking behaviors, primitive defenses, internalized objects and projective identification, working with transference and countertransference issues, dream analysis personality disorders, affect dysregulation and dissociative states (to name a few.) 

In addition to the gatherings, membership in the Affiliate Society includes: four group consultation meetings, three individual complimentary consultation sessions with LAISPS members and special access to the LAISPS library.

This group consists of newly licensed clinicians, seasoned professionals and all in between. Come connect with your colleagues, build friendships and enrich your clinical work!


To apply by mail, simply download and print out the application below.