Education Programs
Cutting Edge & Clinically Relevant Continuing Psychoanalytic Education Programs for the Mental Health Community
Program Offerings
Explore contemporary, cutting-edge topics through a psychoanalytic lens, designed to be of value to therapists with all levels of clinical experience.
Psychoanalytic Training Program
4-Year Program
LAISPS' Psychoanalytic Training Program offers a thorough education in psychoanalysis with hands-on clinical training, expert guidance, and emphasis on the unconscious, preparing students for careers as psychoanalysts.
One-Year Programs
The LAISPS Extension Division includes one-year courses of study (listed below) as well as topical day seminars in psychodynamic theory, practice and technique.
Scientific Programs & Workshops
The LAISPS Scientific Programs and Conferences, featured throughout the academic year, provide opportunities to learn from LAISPS members and candidates, as well as local, national and international psychoanalysts.
Upcoming Events
LAISPS does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, gender/gender identification, marital status, religion, sexual orientation, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies and other school administered programs. In accordance with California and federal law, LAISPS has a policy of nondiscrimination for persons with disabilities who are otherwise qualified for training. LAISPS does not receive any federal aid and does not participate in any loan program, federal or otherwise to finance tuition.