Psychoanalytic Training Program
A training program with the working professional in mind.
Get your Certificate of Training in Psychoanalysis
Certification in Psychoanalysis is the culmination of our tripartite model of psychoanalytic training. After the successful fulfillment of all requirements, Candidates are awarded a Certificate of Training in Psychoanalysis, which qualifies them to practice psychoanalysis, and are eligible for Membership in our Society, in the Confederation of Independent Psychoanalytic Societies (CIPS), and in the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). These local, national, and international organizations offer the opportunity to participate in workshops and conferences that showcase the latest developments in clinical psychoanalysis.
In an atmosphere of intellectual independence, LAISPS helps qualified professionals create their own psychoanalytic identities. The psychoanalytic training program ensures that candidates develop into knowledgeable and skillful psychoanalysts capable of practicing, teaching, conducting research, and applying psychoanalytic principles to the broad spectrum of human endeavor.
In our tripartite model, candidates experience:
A personal training analysis
Conduct three supervised psychoanalytic cases
Participate in an intensive four-year program of academic coursework
LAISPS’ training analysts, who represent the full range of psychoanalytic perspectives, provide candidates with in-depth psychoanalytic learning while simultaneously respecting their intellectually autonomy.
LAISPS is open to the theoretical, clinical, and research contributions of all mental health and allied disciplines and seeks to provide education for licensed professionals of varied backgrounds.
How to Apply
1. Gather Application Materials
✓ Completed Training Application
✓ Copy of License
✓ Proof of Malpractice Insurance
✓ Graduate Transcripts
✓ At Least 3 References
✓ Autobiography
✓ Application Fee of $125
2. Mail in Application
Your completed application must be received by June 1st in order for you to be considered for the following Fall admission. On occasion, under unusual circumstances, this deadline might be extended.
Send to:
12011 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 520
Los Angeles, CA 90049 -
3. Application Fee
If you don’t include a check with your completed application and would prefer to pay with credit card, you may pay your application fee online.
This fee is non-refundable.
4. Extensive Interviews
Following receipt of the application materials, interviews are arranged with the Admissions Committee. The purpose of these interviews is to evaluate the applicant’s suitability for psychoanalytic training.
The Application procedure consists of three interviews. The first and third are general interviews. At the second interview you will be expected to present a clinical case.
Get your Certificate of Training in Psychoanalysis
Certification in Psychoanalysis is the culmination of our traditional tripartite model of psychoanalytic training. After the successful fulfillment of all requirements, Candidates are awarded a Certificate of Training in Psychoanalysis and are eligible for Membership in our Society, in the Confederation of Independent Psychoanalytic Societies (CIPS), and in the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA).
LAISPS does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, gender/gender identification, marital status, religion, sexual orientation, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies and other school administered programs. In accordance with California and federal law, LAISPS has a policy of nondiscrimination for persons with disabilities who are otherwise qualified for training. LAISPS does not receive any federal aid and does not participate in any loan program, federal or otherwise to finance tuition.