Diversity at LAISPS

Diversity at LAISPS

LAISPS is committed to the goals of greater inclusivity, including racial, ethnic, economic, religious, sexual, and gender diversity; and social outreach to address structural economic and class inequities in our organization and within our community.  

LAISPS does not discriminate against, nor does it condone the discrimination against, anyone on the basis of their sexual orientation or their gender preferences, both in our teaching and our practices. 

Led by the work of our Diversity Committee, we are committed to an ongoing examination of our own institutional policies and practices, and specifically, to addressing unconscious and institutional racism in our teaching, supervision, and clinical practice. 

Our Diversity Committee monitors and evaluates current policies, encourages recruitment and education efforts to support our anti-racism and anti-discrimination efforts, and administers diversity-based scholarships.  


TWO LANGUAGES IN CLINICAL CONTEXT : Mother Tongue vs. Adapted tongue; Prose vs. Poetry


Psychoanalytic Conversations “The frame as institution and relational improvisation in a psychotherapy conducted during the COVID quarantine”